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Horizon scanning

We are very excited to offer horizon scanning as a new service, building partnerships between industry and higher education.

Horizon scanning is an increasingly used technique both in universities and within government and policy processes. A horizon scan aims to build a robust evidence base, assess the data and evidence that’s already out there and then help you to better anticipate and shape future trends.

At Counsel, we have designed a way to effectively engage with horizon scanning. Our design provides a comprehensive and transparent process to scan a topic or problem faced by organisations or communities.

Our product draws on the skills and experience of our whole team, working with you to develop a bespoke, flexible solution taking you through every stage of the process from problem identification to evidence gathering to public affairs, communications, training and marketing.

Recently, we used this product to design and contribute evidence to the UK Parliament in partnership with colleagues at the University of Portsmouth.

Do you want to know more?

Please complete our horizon scan INQUIRY FORM to outline your key requirements and timescales.

Currently, we offer horizon scanning services on a tiered system:

Tier 1: E-mail dialogue about the product, with an overview document included free of charge.

Tier 2: Telephone call or virtual meeting in response to an inquiry form. The initial consultation will explore your needs and advise on the approach in relation to your problem or topic. We will follow up via email with a basic horizon scan plan for you. Rates from £200.

Tier 3: Telephone call or virtual meeting in response to an inquiry form. The initial consultation will advise on the approach in relation to your problem or topic. A follow up conversation with a basic horizon scan plan, including explanatory slides and video content. Rates from £450.

Tier 4: Telephone call or virtual meeting in response to an inquiry form. The initial consultation will advise on the approach in relation to your problem or topic. Then a bespoke service will follow, offered at various scales to meet your specific needs, delivering agreed elements or an entire horizon scan. Rates from £900.

NB We offer specific rates for community and non profit, public sector and commercial organisations.